
How much does Google know about you? Here’s how to find out!

Google is watching you. It’s how they make their money. In fact, the more they watch you, the more they can monetize your data.

But how much do they know you about really? Today, we’ll teach you how to find out!

To find out, the first thing you must do is visit Google’s homepage. Once there, click on your profile photo on the appear right corner of the page.

Google's webpage.

Once you click your profile photo, a button will appear that says, “Manage your Google Account.” Click that button.

Manage your Google Account

Once you click “Manage your Google Account,” a new page will open with different personal account settings. Within a box that says, “Privacy & personalisation,” there’s a link that says, “Manage your data & personalisation.” Click that link.

Manage your data & personalisation

Once you click “Manage your data & personalisation,” you’ll be brought to another page entitled “Data & Personalisation.”

Data & Personalisation

Scroll lower on the “Data & Personalisation” page, and you’ll see a box that says “Ad personalisation”. At the bottom of that box, there’s a link that says, “Go to ad settings.” Click that link.

Go to ad settings

Finally, you’ll be brought to a webpage entitled “Ad personalisation.”

Ad personalisation

Scroll further down the page, and you’ll see a section entitled, “How your ads are personalised.”

How your ads are personalised

As you can see from my own example, Google know that I am a male, aged between 35-44 years old, someone who watches action-adventure film, and and avid video game enthusiast. Further details Google knew about me is that I visited Washington State recently, I have an eclectic musical taste, and I’m an avid photographer.

What happens when you find out what Google know about you? Do you think they know too much?

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